Thursday, June 4, 2015

2 new additions...

holy cow. we're doing it. all at once.
baby #2 is coming in october, whether we are ready for him/her or not! so, we decided we should try to be ready...and as scary as it all is to me, i am so ready...for everything 2015 is bringing. let's do this!

baby #2 has made life interesting so far...i have FINALLY stopped randomly vomiting and been able to enjoy carrying this precious new addition around the past few weeks. i am so excited to meet heidi's new baby brother or sister, and see if pappy finally gets a boy or is outnumbered by one more beautiful little princess (2 daughters, 5 nieces, and 3 granddaughters so far).

due october 13, 2015

we bought our simple, cute, 90 year old house 6 years ago (almost to the day). it is not beautiful. it is not big. it is not fancy or without wear. it doesn't get second glances or gasps when driven past. there is always a job to do or project to start. our house is exhausting. i love it.

Closing Day. May 2009
May 2015

our home is so much more than a roof & 4 walls. it is the place on which we took our first chance together. we weren't married. we weren't even engaged. it would be a year before both of those would happen. and a year is what we needed (proof is in the pictures). i am crazy proud of the work and sweat (and tears) that have gone into this house. it was certainly not always fun, and almost nothing we have done has gone according to plan, but i am forever grateful for all the work, time, and effort adam, his parents, and my parents have put into this place we call home. i love it and i love raising my little girl in it. i only hope that everyone is as grateful for the walls and roof that surround them as i am!
we are planning to add a 2 car garage with a bedroom and bathroom above that will connect right into our basement (below) and living room (above). i cannot wait to have some storage. it's amazing what little storage was needed 90 years ago when our home was built!

i cannot even describe how blessed we are. nervous, excited and beyond blessed! every day seems to bring new challenges and anxiety, but i am so grateful to share these journeys with adam. he is solid as stone and always knows how to make me feel better about things (especially when it means he will be getting his dream garage..haha) life is not slowing down, so we better be ready!

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