Wednesday, April 10, 2013

6 months.

that's right. my girl has hit her 6 month milestone. with it, came teeth, lots of rolling and floor scooting, and now FOOD! real honest-to-goodness food!! the moment we have all been waiting for...

so of course, right after her doctor appointment, i made adam run to the store to get some peas, sweet potatoes, and bananas so mommy could FINALLY use the NINJA she bought 2 years ago and never found a use for...first i made the peas. i made 12 containers of them. i was so confident that she would love them...boy, was i wrong. she actually gagged after the second spoonful. i didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so i laughed.

just hanging out in the recliner

heidi always teaches me that i have no idea what i am doing, but it is the greatest, most rewarding learning experience of my life. last night, when she gave me the stink eye and rejected my homemade baby food, i looked up at adam, who was laughing harder than usual. at that moment, i realized -more so than ever- how wonderful heidi has made our lives.

of course i love my girl, and i have always loved ad, but i love him in so many different ways now, for so many different reasons. he is the most amazing, patient, loving, doting dad to our cricket. he has amazing parenting instincts that i think even surprise HIM. he makes parenting seem easy. (jerk!) haha


well, at the doctor, she weighed in at just over 17 lbs, is longer than 26" and has one giant head (91%ile). i love how all the doctors in the practice we take her to marvel at all of her facial expressions and her ability to charm you in only the first moments of meeting her. they always tell us what a wonderful job we are doing (and sometimes, i really do need to hear that), and they seem to really enjoy her curiosity when examining her. i love how they genuinely care about her and about adam and me. i think we picked the right place to take her!

@ the doctors before my shots...tough girl.

6 months used to seem like such a long time to me. not anymore. these next 6 better take their sweet ol' time, because i am NOT ready to plan a 1st birthday for my girl yet. i want to savor our first summer together, our first summer as a family. i can't even imagine what is in store for us!

favorite things:
  • eating
  • her jump zoo
  • being outside
  • watching the cars on our street at night from the front porch
  • roxanne kisses
  • her green polka dot blanket at naptime & bedtime
  • her toes

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