Monday, April 22, 2013

quick rant...

as the weather is finally getting warmer, i am reminded of all of the beauty that this world holds. i do love having 4 seasons, but with that comes some things i could do without...and here they are, in random order, with the exception of #1...

trash. if you know me well, you know my #1 pet peeve in all of humanity is littering. people that litter disgust me. the sides of the highway, intersections, the trash from all the winter months just adds up. do people think their trash is just going to melt away like the snow? it makes me sick to my stomach seeing how horrible people are to our environment. just awful. and ps-cigarette butts are garbage too.

earthworms. ok, i don't per say hate earthworms themselves, but i hate the way they come out when it rains and get smashed all over the road and sidewalk...and the smell...that smell makes me gag instantly. i had a hypersensitivity to smells the first 18 weeks of my pregnancy, then it went away. for some reason, i have always been extrememly sensitive to the smell of earthworms. yuck!

bubba from star 100.7. his voice. everything he says. his laugh. his personality. i am not a fan of too many radio dj's in general, but i cannot listen to their show solely because of him. he makes my skin crawl.

drunk drivers. i don't care if you had 2 drinks. i don't care if you had 20, please don't drive. what is it with people thinking they can do whatever they want without thinking about anyone else? i have spent the last 5 years of my life not drinking because my husband likes to have a few beers when we go out with friends or go to a wedding. i have drank water or pop every. single. time. i haven't missed out on anything, i havent't felt like i wasn't included or one of the group because i didn't drink. and the nice part? i also haven't had a hangover for 5 years! the last night i drank was my bachelorette party. i am ok with that. i am an adult.
i have seen firsthand what driving drunk can do to families. imagine someone else's bad decision taking away your mother, your sister, your child...permanently? no amount of alcohol is worth it.

political posts/rants on facebook. i joined facebook in college because it was the thing to do. and i can tell you with 100% certainty that i would not have an account today if it weren't for so many of my dear friends moving across the country. fb makes it so much easier to keep in touch! i can't tell you how much i love to log on in the morning and see their pictures from the weekend pop up. it makes my day better....but what i cannot stand are the political posts, the fighting, the opinionated morons that actually argue with one another on there. i have deleted friends, but it is impossible to get rid of...ugh...fb is a blessing and a curse.

people that pull out in front of you and then go 10 mph under the speed limit. no explanation needed.

sometimes, i get so frustrated at the way people treat our environment and others, it drives me nuts. sometimes, i just need to rant to feel better about it. and i do feel better. just needed to get it off my chest. thanks for listening!

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