Friday, October 14, 2011

busy week

this has been a tough week for me. i could blame it on all the last minute details i have been working on for my friend's wedding, traveling for work, or even just all the last second things that have come up since monday.

truth is... i'm glad i have been so busy, because it has kept my mind from thinking about what a hard week this really has been. this week marks 10 years since my pappap left this earth and 7 years since scott has passed so tragically. i miss both of these men so much, and unfortunately, i am a habitual over-thinker. my brain just never shuts off-this "trait" allows me to be creative & inventive, but also keeps me awake at night and keeps me worrying about things completely out of my control.

i know that death is a part of life, and i understand that in death, both of these men have found salvation & are with our Lord. That is, of course, comforting & wonderful, but the sinful, human side of me can't help but think of how much i miss them both and the memories we had made & the emptiness that fills those places in my heart. thank goodness for family & good friends to make these times seem a little easier each passing year.

there is so much to look forward to in my life, and i know that i will always have the memory of 2 amazing men that are now with their Father. i am so thankful for the things that i have been given in my life & i cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me. i hope that others out there, like me, having a hard time in their lives find peace in others around them as well as within their hearts. they are only gone from us for a short while, they are just keeping our seats warm for us when we get there...

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