Monday, September 26, 2011

the luckiest

i am truly the luckiest girl in the world. i have great family and i have chosen the best friends anyone could ask for. i also have adam.

he is the best. our personalities are so different, but fit one another so perfectly it is disgusting. i know he is the man for me. he is so selfless and so understanding. he keeps me grounded and keeps me from losing it when i am at my wits end. he really just understands what i need and is willing to do anything to make me the happiest i can be. the funny thing is-i am aready so happy when i am with him.

i know that no life is perfect. mine is certainly no exception. i am constantly worrying and freaking out over things i have no control over. all the while, adam is so steadfast and calm...never giving in to my tantrums or getting frustrated with my emotions.

he is in many ways a "guy's guy" with his welding equiptment and his yard work, chopping wood, hanging drywall, fixing everything that goes wrong in our tiny house...i love all of it. and then there are his dirty shirts. shirts that are so stained and hopeless after one wear...shirts that ignore oxy clean and bleach, but still feel right when i lay my head on them after a long day at work. i love that he is rugged on the outside with stubble and sweat on his face, but such a good man all the way down to his core. i think men like adam are few and far between. i know three of them: my dad, adam, and adam's dad. my three favorite men on earth. my pappap was one of those men too. adam reminds me so much of my pap, in every single way.

i love imagining my future with my handsome adam. i know that no matter what it holds, i will be safe and sound with him.

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