Tuesday, September 13, 2011

sibling rivalry

i have been thinking about this for a long time now...how some parents treat their children so differently. i guess it is not my place to judge, not being a parent, but that is such a strange concept to me. siblings already compare themselves to one another, why make lives any harder?

i guess maybe because i was brought up in a house that was meticulously fair, i find it extra hard to believe that there are families out there that will treat their children so unfairly. why is one child's birthday more important than another? why is one child's achievements always more rewarded and encouraged? why is one child held with so much regard, while the other is met with conversation and adoration only when convenient?

i have always compared myself to my sister...how could i not? she is gorgeous. even in 7th grade, when 90% of your school is in an awkward stage, she wasn't. she modeled, she was athletic, she was popular...all those things i cared about so much back then...maybe i am wrong, but i think many siblings (especially sisters) go through this. don't get me wrong, it never made me love her any less and she never treated me like i wasn't good enough, but there were some times i wish it would have been easier, i wish i would have felt like i was worth more than i thought...

when i think about these things, i also think about how great my mom was at reminding me how special i was, how special God made me and how proud of me they BOTH were. she would never have put erin's dance trophy in front of my band award or vice versa. she loved us both exactly the same. we knew it. she told us. she showed us.

when i think about the way some people are treated, i just feel so awful, i know if i wouldn't have had the support of my parents all those hard years, i would never be so strong today. sometimes i wonder how some parents can live with themselves...

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