Monday, October 31, 2011

carving pumpkins

i have always loved carving pumpkins-maybe because it is art, maybe because it is a family tradition, maybe because i love pumpkin seeds! anyway you slice it, i love this time of year. it has taken me a lot of time to appreciate the 4 seasons-maybe because i dislike winter so much.

don't get me wrong-i love the look of the snow hanging in the trees and the back yard before the dogs go out and dig up dirt all over the gorgeous white blanket a night snowfall has left. i love seeing kids sled riding and snowmans and i cannot wait to have children to share the fun of the snow with...but it always feels so long. ususally by january 1st, i am ready for summer and sunshine and warmth and longer days.

i hate nightfall at 5:30 and being trapped inside. i hate having to layer up in 40 different shirts and 3 pairs of socks to go outside. i like the freedom of throwing on a pair of flip flops and taking the dogs out for a run in the yard. i hate the nasty salt and slush look on all of the cars from november-march. i hate the rushing around at the holidays and the thought that i am so blessed and there are so many out there that are not so lucky. i guess that's why i never really liked fall too much. i knew what was just around the corner...all of those things that i hate so much.

luckily, my opinions have changed. sure, i still don't like too much about winter, but finally, i am able to enjoy what i have right in front of me: fall. the gorgeous leaves, the constant changes nature goes through. it seems like a shedding of the past year, the good & bad-to start fresh. the smells, the sports, the memories. i have finally started to appreciate these blessings. only took me 27 years. God is good.

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