Tuesday, March 12, 2013

5 months already?

i just have to write a little bit more today because time allows...

there have been so many firsts happening in our home lately! most of them are wonderful and exciting, but there are a few that i could do without...


praise the Lord, cereal has arrived...and it is a wonderful thing. miss Heidi loves it most of the time and it has made sleepness nights fewer & farther between (thank goodness!) usually, she gets to eat it with a spoon for dinner (the messiest, craziest, most wonderful experience of parenthood thus far), but for bedtime she gets some mixed into her bottle and. . . drumroll, please . . .she normally only wakes up once per night now!

watching her learn how to use a spoon is mindblowing. she is just the smartest baby on the planet. i can't imagine how hard it must be, but she makes it seem so easy. our only problem is that it is just too slow for my oh-so-hungry girl. she can't help but grab the spoon and shove it in as far as she can. her appetite is as big as her cheeks!


my cricket has discovered her beautiful little tootsies this week. she has been grabbing them left & right and pulling herself over with them. she is becoming so much more mobile all on her own . . .not sure that i like all this growing she is doing before my eyes. . . i know all parents say that, but Heidi is living proof of the truth behind the saying!

nerd alert!

it seems we have a little book worm on our hands. my sweet thing loves books. she loves to turn the pages and then turn them back, and then turn them again. and once she has gone through the book a couple of times, the only natural thing left to do is to eat it.
busy reading

i'd rather just eat it...
splish splash...

she is lovin her bath! there is one MAJOR difference between Heidi & my fur baby, Hunter. Heidi is starting to LOVE bath time. she splashes and giggles and is finally not scared of the water or the soap. it is still kind of hard to master giving her a bath alone because she is so "slippery when wet," but it is a fun family activity (at least i THINK adam finds it fun).

happy girl

on the other side of things, if i use the term "bath" in Hunter's earshot, I cannot find him for the rest of the night. He is off to a room as far away from "us humans" as possible.


Heidi has also discovered that she can scream louder than a car load of frightened riders on a roller coaster. at first, i thought it was the cutest thing on earth. the screams were funny and new. now the screams are constant and ear piercing. she has also been singing to herself and talking in her own language, and she loves to hear herself make sounds, i am just hoping the screaming tones itself down a little, before we all lose our marbles at home!

life really couldn't be any better. every day is a great new adventure. i am so glad i have such wonderful people to share it with. until next time. . .

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